your products and

services without feeling

icky, sticky

and slimy

By discovering and developing
your Signature Selling Style

When you think

about selling,

do you feel


When you pitch your

products and


do you feel

When you sell, do you feel like

you’re coming across as

either desperate or pushy?

If you

hate sales,

it’s not because you’re bad at it.

And it’s not because “sales”

is a dirty job.

It’s because you’re trying to

sell like someone else, instead of like yourself.

It’s time to regain your sales identity.

Businesses who can’t sell,

won’t survive. Period.

Nothing happens in business until

the sale is made. If you’re not closing

deals and signing


you’re not making money

It’s not your fault. For decades, sales gurus have told you
that in order to sell, you have to act like someone else.

First, we were told we had to be a hunter and chase after the sale.
Then, we were told we had to be a farmer, and grow a huge audience.
Then, we were told we had to be an actor, and use a generic sales script.

But you’re not a hunter. You’re not a farmer. And you’re not an actor
a poorly scripted scene.

You’re you. You want to help your prospects, not hunt them, not
farm them, and not perform for them.


I am not an actor…

I am ME

But now, that’s all changed.

Isn’t it time you start selling like you?

Are you ready to discover a systematic method specifically developed for your personality, your strengths, and your prefered way of interacting with your prospects?


Test, don’t guess.

Don’t blindly pick a selling strategy and hope it works. If you’re not selling using your Signature Selling Style, you’ll drive away prospects and losing revenue.

If you pick a generic script, you’ll never stand out among your competitors.

Acting like someone else only makes you and your prospects feel uncomfortable. Acting like someone else is what makes prospects hate sales people, and it’s what makes you hate selling.


I am not an actor… I am ME

There’s good news.

You don’t have to sell like HIM. Or like HER.
Or like the latest guru.

You can sell like you. It’s easy, once you discover your Signature Selling Style.

Great salespeople already know how to sell like themselves. It’s time you join them and discover your own unique selling strengths.

It’s time to regain your selling identity.

When you sell using your

Signature Selling Style,

you will confidently ask for the price your
products and services deserve, without
feeling nervous or desperate, without
coming across as cheesy or pushy, and

without sounding like a poorly scripted actor.

There are 10 unique Signature Selling Styles. Which one are you?

  • 1The Wizard Selling Style. The Wizard needs all of the facts and data before asking for the sale.
  • 2The Architect Selling Style. The Architect relies on intuition and is concerned about how the prospect feels.
  • 3The Conductor Selling Style. The Conductor wants to hit revenue goals, and makes sure that happens no matter what.
  • 4The Rock Star Selling Style - The Rock Star makes prospects feel good and excited to buy, even if they don’t fully understand what they’re buying.
  • 5The Scientific Selling Style - The Scientist is completely informed about the products and services and always conveys clear benefits.
  • 6The Truth Sayer Selling Style - The Truth Sayer uses truthful yet frightening facts and statistics to push a prospect into committing to avoid a terrible fate.
  • 7The Heart Centered Selling Style - The Heart Centered seller wants to know the prospect believes in the product or service, and knows it will truly help them.
  • 8The Connector Selling Style - The Connector is more focused on building lasting relationships, and not on closing the deal. Once the relationship is strong, the prospect returns.
  • 9The Competitor Selling Style - The competitor discredits the competition and paints his or her company as the no-brainer decision.
  • 10The Buddy Selling Style - The Buddy asks lots of questions and feels emotionally connected to the prospect.

When you are your true and authentic self, you will attract the right prospects.
Selling will feel like a conversation with an old friend.

You’ll effortlessly close deals, while building relationships
with your new, loyal customers.

Business will boom, because you’ll make more
sales while feeling comfortable asking for more money.

And it’ll feel really good.

No one wants to be cheesy, pushy, or desperate.
When you discover and develop your Signature Selling Style,
you don’t have to be.

No one wants to be cheesy, pushy, or desperate.
When you discover and develop your Signature Selling Style,
you don’t have to be.

Remember, test. Don’t guess.

You’ll effortlessly close deals, while building
relationships with your new, loyal customers.

  • Which Signature Selling Style you should start using immediately to start making more sales, developing better relationships with your customers, and feeling more comfortable in the sales role.
  • Why you’ve never felt right pitching your products and services, and how you can turn it all around today.
  • What you can do next to develop your Signature Selling Style so you never have to sell like someone else, or like a poorly scripted actor, again.


When you take the assessment

today, you’ll instantly receive the

Signature Selling Toolbox.

Some personality assessments and business

Profiling tools cost

$29, $39, or even $99

The Signature Selling Style Assessment is completely free and comes with the bonus Signature Selling Toolbox.

It’s the perfect solution for a business owner who is struggling to sell.

Your Signature Selling Toolbox will change
the way you look at sales forever.
Your toolbox includes…

  • Your signature Selling Style Assessment and Analysis, so you know exactly which one of the 10 selling styles would work best for you,
  • A one on one meeting with A Certified Revenue Coach, so you can learn what you need to do to develop that style and begin to make serious revenue,
  • Access to our exclusive 3-part master-class, Personality Based Sales Training that will help understand your client’s personality types so you can attract clients and sell with ease,
  • A copy of Sales Swagger, a book by Che Brown (The Sales Cardiologist) so that you can discover the real secrets of selling.

With the Signature Selling Toolbox, you will…

  • Feel confident picking up the phone to call a prospect,
  • Feel comfortable with your clients (they’ll even enjoy sales conversations with you),
  • Close more deals and command higher prices,
  • Earn more revenue, and feel great doing it.
  • … and so much more.

5 reasons your Signature Selling Style Toolbox will improve your business...

  • Reason 1: It doesn’t matter if you think you’re bad at selling, cringe every time you hear the word “sales”, or have never sold a day in your life. The assessment will tell you which style suits your personality the best, so your previous experience (or lack of) won’t affect your results.
  • Reason 2: There's no waiting. The assessment is taken online, and you’ll receive your results immediately (so you can jump right in).
  • Reason 3: You’ll increase your revenue. By understanding your natural tendencies, and discovering how to sell in your comfort zone, you’ll feel more confident.
  • Reason 4: The selling process will feel easy, not like a dreaded task.
  • Reason 5: Your prospects will notice and feel at ease when they interact with you.

You have three choices.

  • 1You can continue to wake up everyday, feeling nervous, dreading your sales calls, and struggling to hit your revenue goals, OR
  • 2You can use the “guess and check” method, and try to figure this all out on your own, OR
  • 3You can feel comfortable and confident every time you sell by discovering your Signature Selling Style today.

It’s time to step into your comfort zone
and discover your Signature Selling Style.

You can't build a reputation on
what you are going to do.

-Henry Ford

It’s time to take action. Discover your Signature Selling Style, and become the confident sales person that your business needs.